Fit with Iphone.

                                               Want Free iPhone 7? Really!!

To all the Apple fans out there in the wild, a Ukraine-based retailer Allo is hosting an iPhone 7 Giveaway. To become eligible for the giveaway, you need to do a simple task and post a selfie after its completion. The first five eligible contestants will get a black iPhone 7 for free.

But what if someone is giving away an iPhone 7 for free? Well, there is a retailer Allo doing so. Don’t confuse it with GoogleAllo. If you are the one interested, you only have to do a little task. And it doesn’t involve making random Facebook posts and tweets.

The free iPhone 7 will be given to the first five people who change their name to “Seven iPhone” (it’s same as iPhone 7 in Ukrainian language) on their passport and then send Allo a selfie with the same. All the details should be clearly visible. After this, the eligible people have to visit an Allo Store and show their new passport.

To know more about the offer, visit Allo website. You can use Google Translate if you don’t understand the language.




  1. It's easy on the joints. When you sit on a bike, you put your weight on a pair of bones in the pelvis , unlike walking, when you put your weight on your legs.
  2. Pushing pedals provides an aerobic workout. That's great for your heart, brain, and blood vessel which may make you feel young at heart.
  3. It helps with everyday activities. "The benefits carry over to balance, walking, standing, endurance.
  4. Pedaling builds bone. "Resistance activities, such as pushing pedals, pull on the muscles, and then the muscles pull on the bone, which increases bone density.


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