
Showing posts from May 13, 2017

99 Countries got impact By Wana Crypt 0r Ransomware Attack...

Sorry friends I was not available from last 2 weeks due to my college Papers which I hate the most. Now I am free, let's get started with the technology and health tips. Today I am covering very serious issue regarding Hacking.  The hackers have used the leaked United States intelligence agency tools to infect computers with WanaCrypt0r a pair of.0 ransomware. This malware exploits EternalBlue vulnerability and uses phishing emails to infect computers. Till now, Avast has recorded quite 75,000 infections in 99 countries. whereas WanaCrypt0r is most moving Russian and European countries, the chance of its arrival within the US can’t be denied. Earlier this year, hacking cluster Shadow Brokers claimed that it had taken cyber weapons from the America’s United States intelligence agency, which might be accustomed get unshackled access to the computers running Microsoft Windows and different in operation systems. Now, the malicious code WanaCrypt0r a pair of.0 (aka WCry) is bein...

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