
Showing posts from September 9, 2017

How to "Quickly" get rid of Eye Glasses

AMAZING EXERCISE TO HELP YOU NOT WEAR GLASSES ANYMORE... One of the basic principles of medicine says that if you don’t use the muscles, they lead to atrophy. Exactly like all groups of muscles, also the eye muscles need exercises in order to keep them healthy. In this article, I will present you a great exercise that if you repeat it daily, you will improve your eyesight and you will not wear glasses anymore In order to succeed to quit glasses, here are some tricks and an amazing exercise that will help you a lot: 1. Avoid the overstrain of the eye during the day. Every 2-3 hours, close your eyes for a few minutes and relax. 2. If you wear glasses, limit their wearing as more as possible. Do not wear glasses when you don’t make activities that strain the eyes very much. 3. With closed eyelids, massage your eyeballs using circular motion without pressing too hard! 4. When you go out for a walk, try to focus your view straight ahead in a more distant po

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