
Showing posts from March 2, 2017

Why Do We Have QWERTY Keyboard, Not ABCDE? The Real Reason Will Surprise You

The history of QWERTY keyboard we use on our modern devices dates back to the later decades of the 19th century. It’s believed that QWERTY-style is there because people typed too fast and jammed the typewriters. But, in reality, it is because the telegraph operators using typewriters at that time faced difficulty in decoding Morse code. Over the time, with the input provided by the telegraph operators, QWERTY keyboard was evolved. We have been using QWERTY keyboards for ages. Most of us have been believing that the unusual arrangement of the keys, rather than ABCD, is because the people who used mechanical typewriters in the past moved their fingers too fast–fast enough that it would jam the typewriters. It might have been one of the probable causes which compelled active minds to think about arranging the keys in a random fashion, QWERTY. But, the story can be a total myth, or somewhat, less accurate. And it becomes more convincing after we read a piece of text tagged ...

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