
Showing posts from December 27, 2017

How 2 Minute Home Abs and Core Workout Better Than 1,000 Sit Ups.

Working your abs and core at home or when you’re away on a trip can be difficult if you have no equipment to use for a hard workout. You can knock out hundreds of sit-ups but there are many reasons why they’re not effective enough and take way too much time. So here’s a fast but intensive workout that will work your abs and your core at the same time. Here is a guide to do 2 Minutes Home Abs and Core Workout. For this workout, we will do modified v-sits. The simple v-ups are done by lying on the grown and lifting your legs and back up off the floor while contracting your abs. This makes your body look a little bit like a v-shape bent at the pelvis, thus the name for the exercise. Modified V-Sits But we are going to do a more modified version of this exercise. rather than lying totally on the ground, you may keep your legs a couple inches off the ground.  That may have your abs contracted and core operating all the time. Therefore as you are doing a v-sit,...

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