How 2 Minute Home Abs and Core Workout Better Than 1,000 Sit Ups.

Working your abs and core at home or when you’re away on a trip can be difficult if you have no equipment to use for a hard workout. You can knock out hundreds of sit-ups but there are many reasons why they’re not effective enough and take way too much time. So here’s a fast but intensive workout that will work your abs and your core at the same time.

Here is a guide to do 2 Minutes Home Abs and Core Workout.

V-sit workout

For this workout, we will do modified v-sits. The simple v-ups are done by lying on the grown and lifting your legs and back up off the floor while contracting your abs. This makes your body look a little bit like a v-shape bent at the pelvis, thus the name for the exercise.

V-sits abs

Modified V-Sits

But we are going to do a more modified version of this exercise. rather than lying totally on the ground, you may keep your legs a couple inches off the ground. 
That may have your abs contracted and core operating all the time. Therefore as you are doing a v-sit, raise your legs up slightly bend at the knees, sit up with your hands extended forwards, then lay back down and extend your legs, however, keep them slightly up off the ground.

But we’re not done yet.To form it even a lot of intense, we are going to add some planking to the present routine. As you extend your legs and body, hold this position for many seconds, whereas still keeping your legs and back slightly off the floor.

The Complete 2 Minute Workout

  • Start with v-sits, make 21 reps
  • Hold the plank position as explained above for 7 seconds
  • Make 14 more reps of v-sits
  • Hold the plank for 7 seconds
  • Make 7 more reps of v-sits
  • Hold the plank for 7 seconds
  • Make 7 more reps of v-sits

How to Make It Even More Difficult?

You should move in slow controlled motions as you do the v-sits by allowing your muscles to extend and contract fully. If you do that, this workout will hit your abs and core hard enough.
And additional modification you may do is hold a tennis ball or some object between your legs, thus contracting your inner thighs and providing more resistance for your lower abs.
Finally, you can do more rounds if you feel like you can do it after all a single round only takes 2 minutes.

Also, Read an article on PUSH-UPS.

Fit Today

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